Comicon - Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Thema

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shoppingBag Verkäufe: 26


Erstellt: 27.01.2023

Aktualisiert: 11.03.2025

ID: 310850

og体育首页ONE - Unbegrenzte Downloads für $12.40/Monat

500k Artikel | Kommerzielle Benutzung License permits using this item to create unlimited digital end products for sale during the active period of your subscription. | Support Anmelden zum  kostenlosen Download
Comicon - Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Thema - Eigenschaften Bild 1Comicon - Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Thema - Eigenschaften Bild 2Comicon - Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Thema - Eigenschaften Bild 3Comicon - Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Thema - Eigenschaften Bild 4Comicon - Anime- und Manga-WordPress-Thema - Eigenschaften Bild 5

Das Comicon WordPress-Theme, das speziell für Anime und Manga entwickelt wurde. Das Thema Comics eignet sich unter anderem hervorragend für Videospiele, Künstler, Cartoon-Websites und YouTube-Wiedergabelisten. Das Elementor-Seitenerstellungs-Plugin ermöglicht die einfache Verwendung dieses Themas, ohne dass Programmierkenntnisse erforderlich sind. Das Comicon Anime Tech-Design funktioniert einwandfrei auf gängigen Bildschirmgrößen von Mobilgeräten, ist suchmaschinenfreundlich und browserübergreifend kompatibel. Die Theme-Layouts enthalten das Comicon Anime Tech Theme, ein leistungsstarkes Tool, das wir entwickelt haben, um das WordPress-Erlebnis für unsere Kunden zu verbessern.


March 11, 2025

  • Revolution Slider plugin has been updated in theme package.

September 5, 2024

  • Revolution Slider plugin has been updated in theme package. 

February 14, 2024

  • Update the Revolution Slider plugin files with the theme package.
  • Update Sample Data file.
  • Added page loader for index page.
  • Fixed miscellaneous CSS issues.

September 12, 2023

  • Update revolution slider plugin files.

February 20, 2023

  • Update sample data files in theme package.
  • Update revolution slider plugin files.

2 Bewertungen für dieses Produkt

I recently purchased this template and I think it's fantastic! The template's design is sleek and modern and has great documentation. It's clear, comprehensive, and easy to follow, making the setup and customization process a breeze. The template also offers a lot of customization options, allowing me to tailor the template to match my brand perfectly. I haven't experienced any bugs so far, so it seems a lot more well put together than others I've tried.
Thank you.
This was a really good template. We were able to customize it rather easily and add new pages. We were also able to replace the pictures. I would have liked for the pictures to adjust to the size of the pictures on the website but we ended up having to resize our pictures to fit. It was worth it for us to end up with such a beautiful website. We're getting rave reviews with our new comic book site so I'm very happy that I bought this template.
Thank you.

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Reaktionszeit: Fast This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
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