Elomart — тема Elementor для WooCommerce Mega Tool Super Store

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shoppingBag Продаж: 2


Created: 19 янв. 2022 г.

Updated: 18 сент. 2024 г.

ID: 225349

Get Free Installation with This Item The "Buy a Template, Get Free Installation" offer is exclusively available for template only. This means the free installation service is only applicable if you start a brand-new website without existing content, structure, or prior installations.
If your website already exists—whether it has been partially built, contains pre-existing content, or uses a different template or CMS—this offer will not apply. Also you can consider Free Installation as an option if you confirm existing date erasing and confirm that it will look like in demo with dummy content. Other cases can be reviewed by our team and can be done for additional fee depending on your requirements.
If you’re unsure whether your project qualifies for the free installation, contact our support team before purchasing a template.

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Elomart — тема Elementor для WooCommerce Mega Tool Super Store - Features Image 1

Магазин Elomart Mega Tool Super Store WooCommerce — это уникальная и потрясающая тема с потрясающими функциями, которые гарантированно поднимут ваш бизнес на новый уровень. Elomart подходит для магазинов электроники, модной одежды и любого типа электронной коммерции. Elomart полностью отзывчив и отлично работает на экранах всех размеров. Тема Elomart для создания красивого магазина с мощным плагином WooCommerce. Красивый, яркий и красочный шаблон для вашего сайта WooCommerce. Преобразите свой магазин WooCommerce с помощью забавных баннеров электронной коммерции и потрясающего нового дизайна.


August 21, 2024:

  • Update core plugin to 3.0.7
  • Update avanam theme to 1.4.4

April 18, 2024:

  • Changed all files and whole file structures
  • Need to reinstall theme
  • Major Release 2.0.0

July 14, 2023:

  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout

July 03, 2023:

  • Changed sample data in the elomart_customizer_export.dat, elomart_widgets_settings.wie, elomart_wordpress.xml file, located Sample Data directory
  • Solved some miscellaneous CSS bugs with the theme layout
  • Update WordPress Version
  • Update Revolution Slider

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